Why is Lord Ganesha worshiped first?

Lord Ganesh. जय श्री गणेश।।
हिन्दू देवी-देवता ||भगवान गणेश जी का त्यौहार - गणेश चतुर्थी (Ganesh Chaturthi)

Welcome to our website. Today, we are going to discuss a very interesting aspect of Hindu rituals—why is Lord Ganesha worshiped first in every ceremony? Whether it is a grand festival or a small household puja, Ganesha Ji always takes precedence. But have you ever wondered why? Stay with us as we explore the mysterious stories and religious significance behind this tradition.

In Hinduism, Lord Ganesha is worshiped first because he is considered the ‘Vighnaharta’ meaning the remover of obstacles. Additionally, various mysterious stories provide deeper insights into this tradition.

According to the Linga Puran

When Gods and Demons were frequently engaged in battles, the Gods often faced problems due to the increasing powers and malicious acts of the Demons. To find a solution to this problem, the Gods sought refuge in Lord Shiva. The Gods requested a boon from Lord Shiva that would allow them to create obstacles in the wicked deeds of the Demons and thwart their efforts. Lord Shiva, who is both a destroyer and a protector, accepted the prayers of the Gods and granted them the boon that Lord Ganesha, the Vighneshwara, would appear to assist them. When the appropriate time came, Lord Ganesha manifested. His birth was special because he acquired the remarkable power to destroy obstacles right from birth.

With his arrival, the Gods began his formal worship, and Lord Shiva specifically ordered him to create obstacles in the endeavors of the Demons. Because of this unique power, Ganesha began to be worshiped as the remover of obstacles. Thus, in every auspicious work and ritual, Ganesha’s worship is conducted first, so that his blessings remove all obstacles and ensure the successful completion of the tasks.

According to Maharishi Panini

  • The Ashtavasu are a group of eight natural deities in Vedic religion, representing various directions and natural elements. These deities are described in the Vedas and other Puranas and are considered the principal directional deities of the world. According to this view, Lord Ganesha is referred to as ‘Ganapati’, meaning the lord of all groups or assemblies. Here, the term ‘Gana’ is used to denote a group or organization, and Ganapati, in this context, acts as the controller and protector of all these divine assemblies. In this arrangement, Lord Ganesha’s worship is conducted first in all major auspicious activities and rituals because he is considered the lord of directions, and without him, the arrival of any deities from any direction is deemed impossible. This positioning underscores Ganesha’s role as a pivotal figure in ensuring the sanctity and success of all divine and worldly undertakings.

Lord Ganesh As Described in the Shiva Mahapurana

  • Once, Goddess Parvati created Lord Ganesha from the dirt of her body to guard her residence. When Lord Shiva arrived, Ganesha, not recognizing him, prevented his entry. This incited a fierce conflict between Shiva and Ganesha, during which Shiva, in his anger, decapitated Ganesha. Witnessing this, Goddess Parvati was immensely distressed and angered. She demanded that Shiva revive Ganesha. In response, Shiva ordered that the head of the nearest creature be brought to him, which happened to be that of an elephant. The elephant’s head was then attached to Ganesha’s body, thereby bringing him back to life. Goddess Parvati expressed her concerns about who would worship her son in his new form. In response, Lord Shiva bestowed a boon that Ganesha would be worshiped before all other gods. He assured that without Ganesha’s worship, no prayer or auspicious work would be deemed complete.
  • This decree established Lord Ganesha’s priority in worship, ensuring his significant place in all Hindu rituals and ceremonies, marking him as the remover of obstacles and the deity to be revered first in all instances.

According to the Ganesh Purana

  • Once, there was a dispute among all the gods about who should be worshipped first in rituals. To resolve this dispute, Shiva and Parvati set a test in which all the deities had to circumambulate the earth and return. Lord Ganesha, using his intelligence, circumambulated his parents, considering them his entire world since they are the source of all creation. By doing so, Ganesha won the test and, as a result, was granted the privilege of being worshiped first in all rituals.

In today’s discussion, we learned how Lord Ganesha earned the position of being the foremost deity to be worshiped among all the gods. His intelligence, dedication, and role as the remover of obstacles secured him this special place. We hope you enjoyed this video and that it helped you understand the significance of Lord Ganesha more deeply.

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Until then, thank you and goodbye.

“जय श्री गणेश” ।।

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