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ToggleHello friends.
Welcome to our special blog today. Today we are going to talk about a traditional item that our ancestors have used for centuries and is still relevant today. Yes, we are talking about ‘Khadau’ or ‘Paduka’ (wooden sandals). It is not just a type of sandal, but also an important symbol of our culture and spirituality. Let’s understand the importance of Khadau in detail in this video.
Khadau has been used in Indian culture since ancient times, especially worn by saints and sages. The main purpose behind wearing Khadau is to keep the body in contact with the earth and to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Khadau or Paduka is also mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures and stories. It is considered a symbol of simplicity and renunciation. The reason saints wear Khadau is that it keeps them connected to the earth’s energy, which enhances their spiritual powers.

Construction or development of Khadau
- The shoe is essentially a sandal, with a hardwood sole that often has a post and a stub to give support between the big and second toes. The wearer must actively grab the post between the two toes to keep the sandal in place while walking because it lacks any form of strap to secure the sole to the foot.
- It is also referred to as khadau, karrow, kharawan, and karom, and it is mostly used by commoners, mendicants, and saints on the Indian subcontinent. Constructed in the form of footprints, featuring a pair of slender, curved stilts, the design is specifically intended to prevent inadvertent stomping of insects and vegetation, hence upholding the concept of non-violence upheld by the pious adherents of the Hindu and Jain religions. It is possible to hear the Brahmins praying while donning such a paduka, saying, “Forgive me Mother Earth the sin of injury, the violence I do, by placing my feet upon you this morning.”

Scientific Importance of Khadau (खड़ाऊ का वैज्ञानिक महत्व)
The scientific significance of Khadau is hidden in its design and structure. Traditionally, Khadau is made of wood, which is a natural insulator. It maintains a balance of heat and coolness from the ground while keeping the feet straight.
Khadau helps in Foot Massage and Activation of Reflex Point
The raised front part of Khadau presses certain points on the feet which align with the principles of reflexology. This pressure massages the feet and promotes the proper function of various body organs.
Improvement in Posture
Wearing Khadau improves walking. Its design encourages a person to stand and walk straight, reducing pressure on the spine and improving overall posture.
Energy Transmission from the Ground
Khadau made of natural wood helps absorb natural energy from the ground. This energy can activate various chakras in the body, increasing a person’s energy level and improving overall health.

Social Importance of Khadau (खड़ाऊ का सामाजिक महत्व)
- Khadau has been an important item in Indian society since ancient times. It is especially worn by religious and spiritual leaders, who see it as a symbol of restraint and renunciation. Wearing Khadau is not just a religious habit, but also a social sign that a person is moving towards detachment and simplicity.
- In Indian history and epics, Khadau was often used by saints and kings, worn when they renounced their throne or went into exile. Thus, it became a symbol of both political and religious leadership. Even today, Khadau is considered a symbol of purity and dedication in many Hindu rituals and worship practices.
Thus, the use of Khadau is not only significant traditionally and culturally, but also its scientific and health benefits make it a useful and relevant attire.
So, friends, this was some information about the journey and importance of Khadau. This ancient tradition not only connects us with our past but also shows how ancient knowledge can be useful in our contemporary life. I hope you liked this video and understood the importance of Khadau. If you liked the blog, please like, share, and do not forget to visit our website.
Thank you very much.
जय श्री राम।।
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Importance Of Khadau 0r Paduka (खड़ाऊ या पादुका का महत्व)
Hello friends. Welcome to our special blog today. Today we are going to talk about a traditional item that our ancestors have used for centuries and is still relevant today. Yes, we are talking about ‘Khadau’ or ‘Paduka’ (wooden sandals). It is not just a type of sandal, but also an important symbol of our culture and spirituality. Let’s understand the importance of Khadau in detail in this video. Khadau has been used in Indian culture