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ToggleHello friends.
Welcome to our website with one more interesting and remarkable blog. Today we will discuss a very interesting and important topic which is “Karma” and its impact on our lives and on other lives. So, let’s try to understand this topic in depth.
Principle of Karma (कर्म का सिद्धांत)
The principle of karma is a fundamental basis in Indian philosophy, according to which every action has an equal and opposite reaction in our life. In Sanskrit, ‘Karma’ means ‘action’ i.e., the action or work done by us is known as ‘Karma’. According to this principle, every action of ours, whether it is good or bad, results in consequences that we receive in the future.

Importance of Karma – An example
- For example, if you help someone without any willingness and desires, you will also receive help at some point in the future. Similarly, if you harm someone, according to the principle of karma, you may also have to face that type of suffering too. This teaches us that we should consider every action very carefully and by thinking at least ones.
- The principle of karma leads us towards morality and good conduct. It tells us that every behavior of ours has a significant impact not only on our own life but also on the lives of others without knowing ourselves. Thus, the principle of karma inspires us to choose the right path in our life by thinking ones.
- The principle of karma states that ‘as you sow, so shall you reap.’ This means that every action we take has a similar and responsible reaction, which we feel in our lives. The fruits of karma are received sooner or later, but sometimes these results also come very quickly. The Karma what we will do, sooner or later, those karma will come in front of us in same way. No one can stop these things.

There are many stories in Hindu mythology that illustrate this principle of karma. For example, in the Mahabharata, there is the incident of Draupadi’s disrobing. When Dushasana was disrobing Draupadi’s clothes, Lord Krishna protected her honor in that scenario. The karma of this event was that the destruction of the Kauravas was certain. And at last, all the Kauravas shot dead in the field however the Kauravas have many warriors having great names at that time. No one could save them from the destruction. This shows how the fruit of bad karma can be immediate and firm although you are so much powerful in your areas of work.
Similarly, in the Ramayana, when Ravana abducted Sita, it resulted in the complete destruction of Ravana’s empire. The whole Lamka was under the feet of Shree Ram and Ravana was shot dead by Ram. These stories teach us how our actions affect our lives and the lives of those around us (sometimes who care us more).
The quick manifestation of the results of karma also shows how deeply our souls are connected to our actions and reactions. In Hinduism, it is believed that if a person performs good deeds, they attain the heaven, and the fruits of bad deeds result in the hell.

So, friends, this was a detailed explanation of the principle of karma. I hope you liked this blog, and it provided you with some new insights about the Karma. If you found this blog very useful, please like it, share it, and do not forget to visit to our website. Thank you, and we will meet again with a new blog. We will meet again with some new topics and facts which will be more interesting and that will open your eyes about our Dharma and Sanskriti. Goodbye.
जय श्री राम।।
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Importance of karma (कर्म का महत्व)
Hello friends. Welcome to our website with one more interesting and remarkable blog. Today we will discuss a very interesting and important topic which is “Karma” and its impact on our lives and on other lives. So, let’s try to understand this topic in depth. Principle of Karma (कर्म का सिद्धांत) The principle of karma is a fundamental basis in Indian philosophy, according to which every action has an equal and opposite reaction in our life.